Apr 30, 2016 | kbulgin | 1296 views
2016-17 PEL Girls Bantam Tryout Update
I would like to thank all players, parents and volunteers
for their efforts over the course of the first 2 tryout sessions.
All players are invited back to our 3rd tryout
session on Sunday May 1st at 2pm. Players are encouraged to continue
to work hard as coaches will be looking for individuals that display a strong
work ethic, positive attitude and a team first mentality. Following the tryout
there will be a quick meeting with all parents and players up in the Mezzanine
to discuss the selection process.
The first round of selections will be posted on this page by
8pm Sunday May 1st. Those players selected will participate in an
exhibition game scheduled on Thursday May 5th vs Wallaceburg in
Petrolia at 7:20pm.