Aug 17, 2016 | Bbelan | 866 views
Thursday August 18 skate
I would like to thank all of the players who attended the first 2 Novice Rep Try Outs. It was great to see the level of effort put forth by everyone. The following players are invited to attend the final skate tomorrow, Thursday August 18th at 5pm in Watford.
Alexander Anderson
Gage Brandon
Issac Disher
Jace Hall
Jameson Helps
Spencer Horwood
Jacob Lassaline
Dylan Lebert
Cameron Macfarlane
Max Mailloux
Ethan Major
Aidan Mckichan
Parker Needham
Hunter Policicchio
Sam Sanderson
Hayden Sitzes
Mason Strangway
Seth Verbeek
Once again thank you and best of luck on the upcoming season
Breyden Belan