Apr 29, 2016 | gmceachern | 1316 views
Sunday Try Out Invitations
Thank you again to all of the girls who came tonight. The list of girls who are invited to continue trying out are..
Grace Desmitt
Riane McEachern
Chloe Burdett
Julia Boelens
Paige Hudson
Olivia Martineau
Kylie Bell
Brice Knight
Ally Goodacre
Amelia Hoven
Dalhia Bulgin
Alison Cuthbert
Gabby Batte
Ava Hart
Alex Salaris
Alysha Anderson
Kylee Shortt
Ava Thompson
Jorja Decalier
Emma Brown
Sydney McKickan
Aaliyah Cole
Samantha Desmitt
Emma Hendra