Fun on the ice in Bothwell
Last weekend, the John Horvart Tournament in Bothwell brought together teams from West Lorne, Watford, Glencoe and Petrolia for an exciting competition on the ice.
The U9-4CA Team started the weekend with a light practice in Petrolia on Friday, before everyone headed to Bothwell to be on the ice for the first game at 8PM. The boys had three games on Saturday, as well as a Skills Competition during the lunch hours and had another game on Sunday. It was the first tournament for our division on full ice! Not only did our boys amazing - they gained valuable experience on sportsmanship, fought until the end, never gave up and most of all learned what it means to be part of a team!
We are so proud of you!
A remarkable player was Brody, the goalie, who never took his eyes off the puck and prevented many goals. He also won first in the Goalie Skills competition that took place on Saturday between the games.
Landon, William D., and Grady scored goals for our team.