Dec 10, 2013 | gshortt | 1647 views
Novice Girls Win Panthers on the Prowl Tournament
The Petrolia Novice Girls hockey team won the B/C Division of the St. Thomas Panthers on the Prowl tournament over the past weekend. The girls tied Sault Ste. Marie 1-1, lost to St. Thomas 3-1 and beat Sarnia 4-0 in round robin play. The girls played St Thomas in the finals and won the game 1-0 in overtime on a goal by Teagan Cox. The team wishes to thank their team sponsor Crabby Joes.
Team members (front row left) Teagan Cox, Kylee Shortt, Riane McEachern, Ava Thompson, Krysten Campbell, Dahlia Bulgin, Gracie Harse(back row left) Alysha Anderson, Ally Goodacre, Abby Poland, Lauren Harvey, Julia Boelens, Hailey Cox, Amelia Hoven, Alexandra SalarisCoaches (not pictured): Gregg McEachern, Rhonda Goodacre, Marcia Charlton, Jen Salaris