PMHA Rules of Operation
Coaches Selection Committee
The Coaches Committee will consist of 9 voting individuals and may include the PMHA president as a tie breaking vote.
Coaching committee will provide support to coaches, assist in handling coaching issues and make coach selection recommendations.
There is no set term for members at this time.
All efforts will be made by the committee to have membership represent a cross section of all groups within PMHA and PGHA.
Anyone interested in joining the committee should contact the Chair for more information.
Coaching committee liaison will report back information on coaching committee meetings such as when they met, purpose of the meeting, and members in attendance.
Coaches Selection Process
Applications for coaches will be advertised annually on the website with a deadline set by the executive.
All candidates will receive confirmation of receipt of application.
PMHA president and coaching committee liaison will review coaching evaluation forms.
Coaching evaluation forms will be used as reference for prior year coaches. Coaches coming to PMHA from another centre may be subject to president of previous association being contacted to complete coaching evaluation form via phone or email.
All applicants will be interviewed based on hockey and coaching experience.
All applicants must provide current valid police background check or declaration if applicable.
Where a suitable coach is not found, a team may be chosen by a committee appointed by the board with a coach to be assigned after the team has been chosen.
Coaches committee may consider applicants for positions other than what they have applied for, and may actively recruit potential coaches.
Coaches Committee will consult with house league convener regarding coaching selections for house league.
Coaches committee will select by secret ballot their recommendations for coaches. Liaison will bring the number of applicants per position and recommendations to PMHA board for final approval.
There is a duty to disclose for all coaching committee and board members if there is any reason a candidate may not suitable.
To avoid conflict of interest, coaching applicants who are also on the Coaches Committee and /or the PMHA board will be subject to the same evaluation and interview process. Individuals who have applied for a position will not be allowed to interview other candidates for that position and will not be allowed to vote on those coaching candidates.