Nov 30, 2010 | Ryan Stokes | 850 views
Tyke Team Fundraiser
Tyke Fundraiser set. If you are in need of items, please feel free to help out these teams.
Tyke Team One (White)
Is selling frozen foods from BPS Enterprises. It includes Unbaked Pies, Muffins, Brownies, Cookies, Croissants, Wings, Pizza, Meat Pies and Soups! For more info please contact Christa Wilson by e-mail at
Tyke Team Two (Red & Black)
Is selling Kernals Popcorn available in 6 different favours for $2 a bag. Butter-Salt, Ketchup, Carmel, Dill, Salt & Vinegar and Chesse are the favours. You can order by E-mailing Ryan Stokes by e-mail at